Throw Back Thursday

Life was Easy

Life was easy when my biggest concern was convincing Daddy to let me go in the water with everyone else during the summer.

Life was easy when, “Boys play with boys and girls play with girls” but I didn’t follow suit because some days I would be more interested going exploring through the bushes with the boys than sitting on the porch talking with the girls.

Life was easy when our classroom was outside in the backyard and my notebook was a flat stone and my pencil, the straightest little stick I could find.

Life was easy when the hardest math concept was shooting marbles. How did you score points anyway?

Life was easy when “Twee Lee, Lee” and other ring plays kept us entertained for an entire P.E. class.

Life was easy when you simply had to “Freeze! With ya cheesy panties and ya holey jockeys!”

#tbt age 5, maybe 6. I was tiny!

 On this #tbt me at age 5, maybe 6. I was tiny!

Back on the Blog

Hey readers!

It’s been quite a long minute since I’ve written anything on this blog but I’m back for good this time and willfully directing my life in a direction that involves maintaining this site, sharing more stories and hopefully creating dialogue between myself and readers in the blogosphere. Sometimes I go on long hiatuses from writing and blogging because of things going on in my life and also just not feeling inspired with words or things I think people would be interested in reading. I’ll continue with the things I used to share but I’ve also added new topic areas and I’d also like reader feedback. What sort of topics or stories are you interested in reading about The Baha (mian) Life? I want to make reading this blog worth your while!

Here’s a little bit about what I’ve been up to since March 2014:

  • Traveled to 14 countries to recruit students for my university.
  • Started graduate school (school counseling) at said university.
  • Started a 1-year vegan journey which I also blog about.
  • Gained 2lbs.

I’d say those ventures have kept me pretty busy and still not busy enough so I’m tackling a few other things as a part of my self development. I often joke with my friends that I’m going to be a forever student but I truly enjoy learning and getting the opportunity to apply the things I’ve learnt.

Anyway, cheers to more blog posts and I want your feed back!!


Hoovering Two Worlds

Occasionally when I think, I’ll have a pretty decent idea for a business and immediately imagine the successes it could have if the right amount of work and effort is put into it. Then I’d have to remember the reality of where such an idea could work in the Bahamian market I envision it in because I have to remember how stubborn our people tend to be about sticking with the old traditional way of doing things.
When you venture off to college abroad, you’re exposed to so many new things and ideas and you feel so inspired and motivated to bring all these great new toys back home. But when you get there you realize that no one else knows how to play with your new toys or want to learn and thus you’re stuck playing with the old ones until they open their minds to do learn.
It makes you reconsider the desire to rush back home and show everyone your new toys and skills and I’m sure many of my fellow Bahamian college graduates face this challenge every fall and winter as they too decide what is the next step for their life.
Growing up in a “third world country” and going to school in a first world country is sometimes challenging to connect the two worlds in a way that speaks to your talents and passion. I’m sure if you Googled, you won’t find many Bahamian ballet dancers or neurophysicists. Point is, until we can grow to a place where the two worlds meet in the middle, there’ll be more and more graduates not rushing to go back home with their new toys because they have no one to play with.

Is there meat in the eyes?

I know it’s been an awfully long time since I’ve posted anything, but I’m back! Since November which was my last post, I have graduated with my bachelors degree in communication and I am now working for my school as an international student recruiter. How cool is my job!? It’s pretty cool.
With all the adjustments, there hasn’t been much time for blogging but last night, I was inspired. I was given the opportunity to speak to a colleague’s class about the Bahamas and Nassau in general because they’re planning to take a trip this summer to work with an organization there.
It was great to talk about home and go beyond the touristy experience and even discuss things that locals would take for granted. Like eating a whole fish. If you’re accustomed to only eating fillet tilapia, discovering that people eat the head of fish can seem a bit creepy. And yes, there are some people that eat even the fish eyes.
So with that said, I hope to get back into regularly posting blogs. I will try to post 1-3 new blogs per week. This is no guarantee as there will be times I’m travelling for work and will simply not have the time.
So, here’s to a new year of adventure’s from this Bahamian girl and I hope to share them with you.

Hurrikin Flerd

In lieu of the Philippine’s tragedy involving Typhoon Haiyan, it made me think back to one of the major hurricanes I’ve experienced, Hurricane Floyd of Sept. 1999. Thankfully there were no deaths on the island of Abaco due to the storm, but I’d like to share a bit of my experience.

My dad had gone out on “the banks” on an extended crawfishing trip and came back early because of the impending storm. And since I was already staying by my cousins, I wanted to ride out the storm with them because they were going up to the local hotel. I was 10 so I was not thinking, maybe I should stay with my dad and secure my belongings because what 10-year-old thinks of those things. Anyway, us along with what felt like was half the town, were in this hotel, people crowded two or three families to a room, others piled into the hallways in dim darkness.

When night came, so did the winds and they surely did come! Many of the rooms had glass sliding doors that sang soprano notes as the wind threatened to burst through. It was a bit scary. But in the midst of all of this, I was excited that I got to sleep on the floor in the corner of the hall next to my then crush. I know, a major storm is going on and I’m excited and couldn’t wait til the next day to tell my best friend about it. I was not a fast child so sleeping literally means sleep because when I woke, he was long up and gone.

The next day, some parts of town were still somewhat flooded, large trees that I had once thought would never move, were thrown across the roads and of course there was no electricity or water. Some of the graves had been unearthed, I know, creepy. When we were finally able to go back in town down the road to my cousins’ little wooden home, watermarks on the walls indicated that water was over 5 feet high in the house. Had we stayed there, my little four foot nothin’ self would’ve been bobbing to stay afloat. The house itself was no longer liveable. Surprisingly, all of the items we had placed on the top bunk bed in the room were dry and untouched as though nothing happened. Our uniforms, still neatly pressed and our books unscathed. My cousin should have listened when we told her put the desktop computer up on the bed too.

My cousins ended up moving in with me and my dad and we spent the next few days tearing down the house.  That was fun, breaking down the house, that is until I stepped on a wooden board with a nail that thankfully wasn’t rusty and I wasn’t going to die of tetanus. In my dad’s house, besides the tv’s doing the titanic sink into the water, the house was still in tact with no major losses. I did lose my baby book and keepsake items, the only things I wish I would have saved.

The town spent the next few months rebuilding and relying on aid from the U.S. which including donated books and computers to the school, t-shirts and other articles of clothing and other essentials like food and water. It was an interesting experience, I pray I never have to relive but through any situation, once you have family and support, you can get through it. That year, me and my fellow 6th graders, weren’t sure we’d even have a graduation, but we raised funds, and sold cakes and did everything we could and had ourselves a well-deserved graduation in June of 2000.

Not sure how to end this, but feel free to share experiences you may have encountered with hurricanes or other natural disasters.

How to help the Philippines